This was the greatest Halloween I had so far. I went trick-or-treating and dressed up as Harry Potter! After wearing so many generic costumes my whole life, I'm finally wearing a good one. A bunch of people called me "Harry Pottah" XD
I wanted to be Harry on Halloween because I look nearly exactly like him due to my short haircut, round glasses, and wearing mostly black. People have told me before that I look like him, and I'm a girl.
My costume didn't have a Harry Potter brand, my aunt and uncle bought lookalike clothes from WAL-MART and modified the robe and scarf, and they created a wand from a stick and put an LED on the tip.
Two girls in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw costumes saw me in my Gryffindor costume and got a picture with me. Too bad Slytherin wasn't there...
I still trick-or-treat past 18. So does everyone else.